Thursday, September 15, 2011

Make Money With Your Own Candle Making Business

If the idea of making money from crafts appeals to you, then candle making might be just what you are looking for. The great thing about this business is that you can start as large or as small as you like, and there is very little investment to think about.

It’s also a business that you can mold (no pun intended) to your own character, since there are plenty of ideas, designs and ways that you could make your own candles to sell on to other people.

There are also a number of ways that you can sell them, meaning that it’s a very versatile business that can be extremely rewarding too.

When you get right down to it, there aren’t a lot of items that you need to have to be able to start a candle making business. Wax and wicks are obviously essential, and once you’ve melted the wax you’ll need to be able to form it into candles.

This means you’ll need molds as well, and it will obviously help to have a good selection of these, but you can start with just a few and build up from there. You can obviously buy different colored wax and make different candles in the same molds, so bear this in mind especially in the early days.

It’s good to have a specific theme in mind when you are thinking about starting your business, rather than trying to appeal to everyone and failing in all areas. A good theme will help you to stand out from your competition and will draw in more customers as a result. It will also give you better ideas on where to advertise and promote your services, given the fact that you will need to identify your audience and then go and find them.

Once you know what kind of candles you are going to make, you need to think about making yourself known to people. A website is always a good choice, and you should choose a domain name that will identify the kind of candles you sell, as this will get you some easy traffic from the search engines. Think about starting a blog as well, as this will get you some more traffic and you can funnel people across to your website at the same time. Make sure you use keywords that will attract the right kind of people.

You should also look into local craft fairs and similar venues, as you can get a stall at one of these and sell directly to the public. It is well worth getting some business cards or leaflets printed up for these occasions as you will make sales after the event as well as during it.

As you start to sell some of your candles pay close attention to which ones are selling particularly well, and think about expanding your designs in this area. You should also make an effort to reinvest some of your profits into more molds and supplies to expand your business, as this will make it easier to develop your sales into the future.

There are also courses which reveal ways to make candles so if you feel like you need some instruction to begin with then invest in a course to help you out.

So if you are itching to start molding, then why not start thinking about what market you’d like to appeal to right now? Be sure to leave your comments below before you do though!

Make Money With Your Own Domain Management Service

Not everyone is that organised when it comes to handling their domain information. It’s not so bad when you only have one or two, but if you are in that group of people who have a lot of domains

Make Money With Your Own Online Video Website

You only need to take a look at YouTube to see that videos are an extremely popular medium online. But you may never have thought about setting up your own site to rival it.

It might take some doing to reach that stage but you can make a decent amount of money from building up a video website of your own if you go about it in the right way.

But how do you make the money? After all you can’t really charge the users to post their videos on your site, since YouTube doesn’t and you will price yourself out of the market if you attempt to charge for the privilege.

So what options do you have?

The best way to get established in this arena is to think about how to get noticed. For example, are you going to accept any and all videos or are you going to create an online video website around one particular subject?

A targeted site may do better than simply trying to emulate YouTube’s success, as it will make you stand out from the crowd. What subjects are popular enough to build a site around, without breaking any copyright rules in the process? This is definitely an area where a lot of thinking is required before you dive in.

Unless you know a lot about web design and development make sure you get an expert to help you with designing the site so that it not only looks good but the videos themselves are easy for people to submit as well. While you won’t charge for membership you should still have a members’ only area in place where people can manage the videos they send in to the site.

Next you need to think about making money from your site. The easiest way to do that is to put Google Adsense ads on your website, in prominent places on every page. Make sure you tweak the colors and layout as much as Adsense allows you to though, so that they fit in with your layout. By doing this they will look a lot less like adverts and more like links to other areas of interest externally.

The idea is to get your own domain name and hosting before you set up your own site, but it could be that you don’t want to do this. Maybe you already have your own website? In that case, why not add a video section to the site you have now?

This can be a good way to boost your revenue since it adds more interest for people. Imagine you have a website about interesting and weird news stories from around the world. You could invite people to submit their own home movies of various events which happen, and put ads on those pages as and when you add them to your site. This is a great idea since it adds more depth to the site you already have, and encourages more click throughs for your adverts.

Regardless of whether you start from scratch or add a video section to what you already have, an online video website can tap into a big section of internet users who regularly flock to sites like this. And what better place to advertize than on YouTube itself? Don’t make it a blatant advert though

Make Money With Your Own Topical Content Site

a niche market interested in a specific topic. If you try to appeal to everyone then very few people will actually buy what you’re selling.

That’s why topical content sites are a great way of making money. You simply pick your topic, build a site around it and wait for the money to start coming in. So long as you focus on a profitable topic you’re home free

Make Money Writing Ads For Products And Services

Some people are naturally more attuned to making money online, purely because of the 24/7 nature of being able to do it. If you know what to do you can be making money right round the clock just from writing a few simple adverts.

What’s more, you don’t need a lot of money to get started (you can actually control what you spend right down to the last cent) and you can go at your own pace. The secret to success is in knowing which products and services to promote to earn the money.

Every day there is a group of people who are making money from writing small adverts for the products of their choice. This is actually quite an easy task once you know how to do it, and the great thing is that you don’t actually have to physically sell anything yourself.

So how do you get started? The key is to join a website which offers lots of affiliate products all under one virtual roof. The best two online today are Commission Junction (this gives you access to promote a wide range of products and services on all kinds of subjects) and ClickBank (which concentrates more on digital products).

These are both free to join and once you have done so you can promote any number of products via writing short adverts through Google AdWords and similar programs.

While you can advertise anywhere, Pay Per Click programs are the best to use since you don’t pay anything unless someone actually clicks on an ad you have written. By getting to know exactly how these programs work and reading through all the information given on these websites you will be able to get the best results from every ad you place.

You can also drive traffic to the products you are promoting by building websites and writing adverts to place on these too. The trick is to start small and see where you go from there. PPC advertising can be expensive if you dive in without doing small tests on products to see how well they work first, so be careful and choose your first few products carefully before diving in the deep end.

The best strategy is to set a specific amount of money as your ceiling each day. For example you could say that you won’t spend more than $5 over all the ads you choose (although obviously with a budget this low you wouldn’t be able to effectively promote more than two or three products or services at most). Make sure you keep accurate notes as to which strategies work better than others, and which ads need some work.

The one thing that attracts people to making money in this way is that it only takes a few minutes to write each advert – but the long term benefits can be enormous. You could still earn an amount of money from an ad you wrote months ago, so the more adverts you can eventually create the better the results will be.

Don’t just pick the products that you personally would like either. Take the time to discover which ones will be more popular with other people, as you might miss out on a lot of sales if you only concentrate on the things that you would like.

So if you’d like some practice at writing short adverts for all kinds of products and services, head over to ClickBank, Commission Junction and Google AdWords now to see what you think. And don’t forget to leave us a comment below to share your views on this great way of making some money online!

Make Money Writing Book Reviews

Have you ever read a particular book and had a really strong opinion of how good or bad you thought it was? And have you ever thought about making money from those opinions?

The chances are you haven’t, and yet you could be doing just that if you are an avid reader and you always get through a lot of books. The time it would take to write a quick review at the end of each one could earn you a nice chunk of money to spend on your next big read!

There are plenty of ways to write for cash online, but writing book reviews isn’t one of the most popular. People tend to go straight for writing articles as this is the most well known way of earning money from your pen (or in this case your typing fingers

Offer Marketing Services To Offline Businesses

As hard as it may be to believe, there are still some businesses out there that don’t have an online presence. But they don’t all want or need a huge website with complicated ordering processes, yet that is often what all the best design companies are offering.

The main reason for many businesses to get online is to raise their profile and attract more customers

Open A Coffee Cart Or Kiosk

Most people jump at the chance for a great cup of coffee, and if they see a stall, kiosk or cart serving up coffee at a decent price, they’ll leap at the chance. The smell of coffee is enough to win most people over!

So it stands to reason that opening a cart or kiosk can make you a decent amount of money if you do it right. Even if you don’t actually like coffee yourself, you’ll be providing a much needed and appreciated service to a lot of other people in your area.

And you don’t have to go it alone either.

Opening a coffee cart or kiosk isn’t one of the cheapest start up businesses you could choose. You obviously need to have the equipment and resources to be able to open up for business, and even if you lease them it will still cost you some money.

There is also the problem of trying to compete with other already well established

Open A Coin Operated Laundromat

This is one of those opportunities that takes some capital to get it started (although perhaps not as much as you might think), but it reaps the rewards as soon as you get those doors open to the public.

There are several ways to make it pay even better as well, and if you put some thought into it you will certainly be on the road to a decent profit. Better yet, if you are looking for a business that will pay you a residual income once you have set it up

Open An Internet Café In Your Local Area

and even those that do may go on vacation and need to check their emails for some reason.

All of which opens up the possibility of providing that service for them in an internet café. This is a business idea that obviously requires quite a large injection of cash to get it going

Run Your Own Affiliate Program

We’ve talked about the possibility of being an affiliate for other websites and earning a percentage of every sale you refer to them. But have you ever considered doing it the other way around?

The truth is that if you can get your own army of affiliates to bring in sales for you, you will cut your advertising costs considerably

Sell Advertising Space On Your Car Or Trailer

and this is certainly one of those ways that works very much like this. Once you have the initial work done all you have to do is go about your daily business as normal!

There are two ways you can go about this, but whichever way you decide on there are several things that are worth remembering. Firstly you will need to be out and about in your car quite often for it to be worth doing, and secondly you will need to keep your car or trailer looking as good as possible all the time.

Selling advertising space on your car is a great way to bring in some extra money every month. Considering you are out and about anyway you are really getting paid to do something you already do.

There are companies around that will sign you up to enable you to advertise for the people on their books, but there are a number of pointers you should be aware of. Firstly this is like any other job in the sense that you shouldn’t have to pay for the privilege of getting it. If anyone asks you for a fee then you are looking in the wrong place.

It’s a good idea to research any company you come across before approaching them, to see how reliable they seem to be. Search online forums about this kind of job and see what you can find out. Most people like to share any negative experiences they have with work at home or self employed jobs like this.

If you do go with a proper company then you will need to be honest about your driving details

Start A Gift Ideas Dropshipping Website

A lot of people think that they can’t have their own website selling all manner of things because they don’t have the money to buy the stock, let alone find room to store it all.

But there is a way that you can sell stuff online without needing to touch a single item that you promote

Start A Local Grocery Delivery Service

Would you consider paying someone to do the jobs you hate doing? You would certainly pay someone to do the jobs you cannot do yourself or find difficult to do, wouldn’t you?

While you may find it easy to get your own groceries there are plenty of people who aren’t so lucky. In these situations they would gladly pay a little extra to have someone do their shopping for them and deliver it all to their home. Essentially you would be providing a smaller, more local and arguably friendlier version of the large scale services offered by some of the bigger stores.

While you can certainly deliver groceries for people who find it hard to get out and about and carry heavy shopping home, you’ll also find a ready market in younger people who are pushed for time.

This can influence how you promote your services as well, since you will want to be visible to the people who are most likely to use your delivery service. For example, younger people are far more likely to be connected to the internet, so it’s worth investing the money to get a website up and running that people can see.

Incidentally there are also a number of organizations in the US that offer to help you in this respect, and for a fee they will provide a fully customized website and lots of help and advice on getting started in this business. The website allows people to actually order their groceries online, and you then deliver them to the customer. This is grocery delivery on a much larger scale though, as it could really take off

Start A Local Restaurant Delivery Service

If you like getting out and about, this might be the opportunity you’ve been looking for. You’ll need your own transport and it can take a bit of creativity to set everything up, but in the end you can offer a great service to a lot of local people.

A bit of creative thinking goes a long way here, and it can really set you apart from any competition as well. There are countless ways you can approach this business, but you’ll need to keep on reading to find out what they are.

So you want to deliver food from local restaurants? Here is your first option. Some restaurants already offer takeaway options, but the customer has to come and get their food rather than relying on the restaurant to deliver it for them. If this is the case then you could step in and offer your services to people in your local area. Instead of them having to go out and collect their food, you will do it for them in return for a small payment.

Logistically speaking you could soon become quite busy with this, and you might even find yourself picking up more than one order at a time. You will also need a reliable car to use, since you will need to be quick and efficient at getting the food to the customer as quickly as you can (as far as safety allows of course).

But there are also plenty of restaurants that don’t currently have a takeaway option. Could you persuade one of these to provide that option if you were to provide the delivery service?

There is no doubt that good promotion will get you a long way here. You are offering convenience to the customer, but you can also offer one point of contact. If you can get a phone number that is really memorable and get it printed onto a number of leaflets that you can deliver round your local area, all you need to do is urge people to call that one number whenever they want take out food. They will tell you what they want and where from, and you will get it and deliver it to them for an additional charge. The big advantage of this for the customer is if they want food items from more than one place. All they do is call you and you do the rest.

Good advertising will help here. If you can, get some good quality posters printed with your details and that phone number on and get them displayed in all the outlets you are offering a delivery service for. People will then start to see the number and realize that they don’t need to go out themselves to get what they need.

Does this sound like the kind of thing you’d like to do? One of the biggest advantages is that it’s an evening job, so you can do whatever you like during the day. It could be an ideal time to distribute some promotional leaflets perhaps?

Don’t forget to leave a comment using the form below before you start thinking about this idea in more depth.

Start A Pet Services Company

If you love pets then this is a great way to meet more of them! There are lots of ways you could reap the rewards by setting up a business to help people with their pets. Depending on what you like doing you could provide one service in particular or a whole range of them.

Your choice of pet business will also depend on what skills you have. After all if you are good at painting pictures of animals then you will no doubt earn more money doing that than you would taking dogs for a walk!

If you are an animal lover then there is no better job than spending all day surrounded by them. The great part about setting up a pet services company is that you can work whatever hours you like, fitting it in around your existing commitments to suit you.

Click Here to learn more about starting your own pet supply business.

Before you start, think about what kind of services you would like to offer. If you like going out for walks then a dog walking service would be a good bet. If you don’t mind having a change of scene from time to time then you might consider offering a pet sitting service for all kinds of animals.

On the other hand you might be good with a camera and enjoy photography as a hobby. A lot of pet owners would pay a considerable amount of money to get a nice picture of their pet or pets taken and framed for them. You could either set up a mini studio in a spare room of your home, getting people to visit you, or you could take everything with you and take the photos at their home. The second option is probably better since the animal will be in its own natural habitat, giving you more opportunities to get good pictures.

If you can paint good pictures then you may want to visit the owner and their pet and perhaps take some photos to give you an idea of how to paint the animal when you return home to do your work.

There are plenty of opportunities online as well; you could set up a website selling pet toys and items such as collars, squeaky toys, name tags and all kinds of other items. If you haven’t got the room to stock these yourself find a company that will dropship them for you.

Promoting your business is important both on and offline. If you have a dog walking or photography business then get some leaflets or postcards printed up and advertise them in local shop windows. If you can persuade the local pet shops to display your cards so much the better, as you will receive a lot of business from this direction.

This is the kind of business that will also develop via word of mouth. Start small and you will soon find new clients as you get more established. Ask your friends and family to spread the word for you as well, and you will soon be making plenty of furry friends!

Click Here to learn more about starting your own pet supply business.

Start Your Own Email Newsletter Service

it is still one of the best ways to get information that we want sent directly to us.

And this is where you come in. There are plenty of possibilities for running an email newsletter service which is either free or fee paying, and you can make a decent profit from either option.

The key to success is to pick a topic that will attract the attention of a lot of people. If you can do that you could be sitting on a goldmine

Start Your Own Franchise Business

You’ve probably heard the saying that you shouldn’t try to reinvent the wheel, and that applies just as much to a business as anything else in life.

If you are looking for a business which already has a proven template for you to follow – enabling you to set up your own business and taking away a lot of the worry about whether or not it will work in the first place – check out the many different franchises that are available. It could be just what you are looking for.

Franchising is one of the best routes to fast business success if you want the reliability of a name that is already known. You’ll also benefit from not having to worry about creating a business plan, deciding what to stock, and all the other headaches that come from creating your own business from scratch.

You’ll need to part with some cash though if you want to get involved; every franchise incurs a franchise fee to get you started, so be sure you look into all the requirements and the small print before you sign anything. You might also consider how well the franchise model you are thinking of will fit in to your local area. Getting the answers to all these questions and more is essential to make sure you know what to expect right from the start.

The good news is that there are lots of different types of franchise you can get involved with, so regardless of what your best skills and abilities are, you should be able to find something that will suit you.

At the most visible end there are the shop franchises. McDonald’s is one of the most famous examples of this, though you might not be thinking of running a franchise on that scale. Perhaps the better choice for many entrepreneurs is the smaller franchise which allows you to sell products of a certain type. An example of this would be a book publisher or distributor that allows you to sell their books yourself

Start Your Own Grass Cutting Service

Starting your own gardening service might not be practical if you can’t tell a weed from a flower. But that doesn’t mean you can’t offer to help people with their gardens.

One of the jobs that a lot of people don’t enjoy is mowing the lawn. It can take some time to do if the garden is a large one, and many people simply don’t have the time to do it themselves. Even if they do, a lot of them would rather be doing something else instead.

So why not solve that problem for them? One of the best ways to make money is by helping other people out, and this particular opportunity has a lot of potential.

Not only does a grass cutting service have the potential to net a lot of clients, it is also one of the easiest businesses to promote. All your customers will be in your local area, so the best thing to do is design a simple flyer on your computer (you can use some clip art to make it look more impressive) and get a lot of them printed up cheaply by a local printer. Make sure you get your cell phone number printed on them too.

All you need to do then is distribute them door to door to get them in front of those people who might take you up on your service. You should start to get a few calls almost immediately.

The best way to offer a competitive price is to phone up other similar services in your neighborhood and ask for a quote from them. You can then position your own service in a similar price range.

Rather than offering a set schedule when you meet a new customer, ask them how often they would like their grass cut and what day and time would be convenient for them. Buy yourself a big diary with time slots and book people in as and when you get appointments. That way you won’t double book anyone and you won’t forget to turn up anywhere either! You should also make sure you get a contact phone number from them, just in case you need to contact them for any reason.

Some people may be happy for you to use their own mower, but it goes without saying that you should always have your own one to use. Make sure you carry spares for any parts which may need replacing, and make sure you clear up after yourself as well. Don’t leave any grass cuttings behind unless the customer wants you to put them in a compost bin.

One of the dangers with this business is that you could become too successful. If you aren’t careful you could end up working seven days a week, so always make sure you book the weekends off, or whatever days are best for you. You should also have a contingency plan in mind in case it rains on a day when you should be visiting clients’ homes, so that you can return when there is better weather.

In short this is a fantastic chance to build a worthwhile business by doing something for people that they don’t want to do themselves. You will also get a lot of exercise and it’s certainly an enjoyable experience to be out cutting grass in all kinds of different gardens, so make the most of it!

If you start this business and achieve some success with it, make sure you come back here and tell us all about it by leaving a comment using the form below.

Start Your Own House Cleaning Business

We have all got chores that we hate doing, and it’s not nice thinking that we have to do most of them when we could be out enjoying themselves. So if you quite enjoy cleaning the house on a regular basis, then why not offer that same service to someone else?

Most people hate cleaning the house and would be more than happy to pay someone else to do it for them. If you are responsible and trustworthy, then why not set up a business doing just that? You might get more clients than you think

Start Your Own Local Bin Cleaning Service

Throwing our trash away is part of everyday life. But don’t you just hate that smell that wafts up to meet you every time you open the lid to throw in another piece of trash?

Bins that are kept outside get subjected to all kinds of abuse. They have to withstand all weathers and hold all the leftovers, spoiled food and other remnants that we don’t want to keep inside. No wonder they smell less than fragrant from time to time.

But if you can stand the smell you could be making a lot of money from those bins. Grab a peg and come closer to find out more about this lucrative opportunity.

One of the best things about this business is that you will never run short of customers. Everyone has a trash can, and I am willing to bet that very few (if any) of those bins smells anywhere near good.

This makes for a huge business opportunity for you, and it’s easy to advertise since you can simply get a whole batch of leaflets printed up and deliver them door to door to get you started. State your price on the leaflet and offer the customer 20% offer if they produce the leaflet when you arrive to clean their bin.

That is a good discount and you can bet that a lot of people will take you up on the offer. It also guarantees that more people will keep the leaflet for longer instead of throwing it away.

You can start this business with very little cash, since you can manually clean all the bins if you have the right equipment to do so

Start Your Own Local Business Selling Something That You’re Passionate About

One of the keys to being a success in business is definitely to start up in an area you have a natural interest in. You wouldn’t start up a restaurant if you hated food, or start selling flowers if you had no interest in them and they made you allergic.

Everyone has a passion for something and whether it is model trains, photography or cell phones that passion could hold a terrific business idea for you to capitalize on.

A lot of people think that in order to run a local business you need to find an outlet of some kind and rent out expensive premises to stand any chance of making any money.

But you don’t have to start out that way. In fact the best start to any kind of local business can often be through getting a market stall of some kind, if your business is suited to it. There will still be an outlay to rent it but it’s cheaper than a proper shop and it can get you off the ground and into profit a lot quicker on many occasions.

The main point to think about is whether your passion can be converted into a profitable business that will attract enough customers to keep going. You might need to do some research here to make sure your idea will fly, but even if it doesn’t look encouraging you might be able to alter the angle of it to appeal to a wider audience.

For example you might have a passion for making scenery for model train sets by hand, but there might not be enough of an interest in that to build a successful business around it. But if you were to start a model shop and make some of your scenery in front of the customers while the store was open, you would no doubt attract a lot of interest and probably more customers as well. You could use your hand built scenery to enhance all the model trains you put on display.

You will often find that with a bit of lateral thinking and some solid research you can find an angle on most subjects that would work well as a proper business. And it might not be something you make either. If you love computer games and there isn’t a games store in your local town at present, why not think about opening one yourself? Even if the major stores sell computer games, people will get to know you as being someone who loves them yourself and who knows which ones to recommend and which ones will work on what type of computer. Knowledge like this will put you head and shoulders above the competition.

The great thing about starting a business around a topic you love is that news of your passion for your subject will spread among customers by word of mouth. Eventually you will build up a good customer base even without advertising (although you should of course do all you can to draw in new people in as many ways as possible; the more visible you are the better).

In the end the amount of effort you put into your business will be far easier than it would be for a business you didn’t have the same passion for, and that alone will give you the determination and passion you need to succeed.

But before you rush off to start making plans, make sure you leave a comment for us below!

Start Your Own Local Fashion Tours

many large towns would benefit from such a service, particularly if that town brings in a lot of tourists.

You need to be quite confident to take on this kind of opportunity to earn money, because you will be showing a group of people around your local town and revealing local knowledge about the best places to go for a bargain.

But if you think you’ve got the confidence then it could be a real money spinner for you.

If the idea of becoming a tour guide appeals to you then keep reading. You would basically be booking groups of people onto your pre-arranged tours and showing them all the best places to go to get the latest and best fashions in your area. You could stick to a specific theme for your tour; for example you could do some research and find out where all the cheapest shops are to get bargain outfits, or maybe all the shops that are a bit out of the way and are usually only frequented by the locals.

This takes a little organization as you will obviously need to research a good route to take and show them shops that they might not find otherwise. You would then charge a fee for each person to take the tour, and you could also provide a map of the area with all the shops you show them clearly marked on it.

The best way to make this work is to get the various shop owners to approve of your business idea in advance. If you let them know you will be bringing in new customers for them, they will probably be more than happy to give you a small percentage

Start Your Own Local Pool Cleaning Business

We’d all love to have a pool in our back yard, but when it comes to maintaining it and keeping it clean, that isn’t something we like to do ourselves. Can you see a business opportunity here?

If you develop your business properly and market it in the right way to the right people, you could very soon have more customers than you know what to do with. Pool cleaning is also something that most people can pick up, and if you like being in the outdoors then you will certainly love this opportunity since you will be able to get out and about and meet new people every day.

Swimming pools are fantastic, but no one likes cleaning them. That’s why pool cleaning businesses tend to do very well if they are run by someone who has a great care for their work and knows exactly what to do to keep a pool in tip top condition.

The first step is obviously gaining that knowledge. You can start finding out what you need to know by visiting local pool suppliers and asking them how you would keep your pool clean if you were to buy one from them. This is a bit cheeky but you’ll get the info you need!

You can also find out a great deal by going online and learning from other people who do the same thing. Jump onto Google and look up pool cleaning trade contacts or something similar, and see how many results and leads you come up with. You’ll soon know where to go for supplies and how to go about the actual cleaning process responsibly and efficiently. Try looking up

Start Your Own Podcast On A Topic Of Interest

If there is a subject that you love talking about, then you owe it to yourself to find an audience for it through podcasting.

Although this is still a fairly new medium as far as making money is concerned, it is clear already that there is money to be had, as some people have latched on to several ways that they can do just that with it.

The key is to find a subject that people are interested in and reach that audience in as many ways as you can by making your podcast available to them

Start Your Own Snail Mail Newsletter Service

Even though there are hundreds of thousands of newsletters you can elect to receive via email thanks to the power of the internet, a lot of people still like to receive a paper copy that they can keep. At a time when everything is so easily disposed of, it’s arguable that a paper newsletter actually has a longer shelf life, since it’s much harder to throw away something tangible than it is to hit a button and delete it out of your inbox.

But how easy is it to set up your own snail mail newsletter service? Surprisingly, it might just be easier than you think

Write And Sell Your Own Rap Beats Or Song Music And Lyrics

How many times do you watch and listen to top bands and think you could do better? If you often do that maybe you should have a go at it yourself?

It’s an unlikely way to make some money but that’s no reason not to consider it if you have musical talents yourself. And in reality you don’t need to be able to sing or play a musical instrument yourself nowadays either

How to Make Money on Fiverr

Fiverr is the leader in a relatively new phenomenon called micro jobbing. Micro jobs are small outsourced pieces of work that can be completed quickly and for small amounts of money. is a micro job marketplace, meant for buyers and sellers to interact. It’s a great way to make some extra money on the side to supplement your regular income. The information you will find in this article can get you up and running on Fiverr and making good money in no time!

Getting Started
Before taking the plunge into the Fiverr marketplace, take a look around the site and see what everyone else is doing. Fiverr jobs are called “gigs” and users may create as many “gigs” as they can handle. See what gigs are popular and drawing interest, for example a resume writing service will may draw more customers than a gig offering a video of you playing happy birthday on a kazoo. I also recommend trying out a gig or two before creating one of your own, this will cost very little money and also give you a great idea how the site works and how buyers and sellers interact. Once you get the hang of how gigs work and how to interact on the site, come up with something you are really good at that is marketable to the general public and also something you can complete in a timely fashion.

Your First Gig
Creating your own gig is where you will make your money on Fiverr. A gig has to be something that users are looking for and find useful in order to bring in revenue. When setting up your gig, make sure to have an attractive picture that can draw users to your posting. The keywords that you use for your gig are also very important, think about what a user will search for on Fiverr and manage your keywords accordingly. For example, if your gig is about providing users with a cover letter, use keywords such as cover letter, job search, resume, resume writing, jobs, CV, etc. This will ensure that anytime someone looks for anything to do with a job search, your gig will appear.

In addition to having an attractive photo and stellar keywords, your Fiverr gig will also need to have a few other elements perfected in order to get steady business. Each Fiverr user has a profile that describes who they are and what their experience is. Fiverr is a copycat world and once users catch on to what gigs are popular, they will begin to try and offer them as well. A top user needs to stand out from the pack by detailing their experience in their gig areas as well as what makes them unique. A detailed user profile is what separates the powerful Fiverr users from the rest of the pack.

Another important feature of gigs is how long it will take to deliver. Users are looking for a quick turnaround, so try to push yourself to provide a short turnaround time. Keep in mind you need to meet these deadlines or you will not get the money for the job. Balance your work/life schedule with how long it will take to complete work on Fiverr to find the perfect length to turn around work. Lastly, your gig’s description will be the deciding factor for many users whether to choose you or another user. Make your description stand out by using catchy words and phrases and also allowing the user to get a deep understanding of what you can provide.

Getting to Work
So you have set up your gig and now you have been given work! Fiverr is a competitive marketplace so your feedback and timely responses to your customers is vital. Provide top quality work and your customers will give glowing feedback and most likely become repeat customers! Building a strong customer base and growing your feedback rating will help you to gain traction amongst users and provide further benefits down the line. High feedback

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The Truth About Making Money

The American Dream! We have all heard it said many times as reminder of what’s possible. The dream that anyone, regardless of their background, ethnicity or circumstance can build a business that will make them financially independent for the rest of their lives. The dream is real, and people from all across the globe struggle to get here for the chance of obtaining it. believes, the problem with The American Dream is that it is often sold as a common commodity by

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Free 21 Step Guide To Making Money Online

If you are serious about building an online income, then you have come to the right place. I have been generating an income online for the past 10 years and I am happy to share my proven method with you in the hope that my experience can help you fast track your own success.

In this 21 Step Guide, I will show you step by step how to…

Take the guess work out of choosing a topic for your website – Choosing the right topic is a crucial step in determining if your site will be a success or a dud.Get your hosting account and website setup with ease. – This really is a lot easier than most people think, just a few clicks and you’re done.Get your site ranked in the search engines for loads of free traffic. – This is probably the most important step, without traffic, you will not make any money.Setup your monetization method so your site can start making money. – There are lots of ways to do this, but I will show you the simplest.Repeat the process as many times as you want to, until you are earning whatever income you desire.

In the past I have sold this Guide for $95, I have even taught this content in a seminar format for over $5,000 per ticket.

But today I am offering it to you absolutely free of charge.

All that I am asking of you, is to complete the survey below with honest answers, an then once you have submitted the survey I will email you a copy of my 21 Step Guide.

What do you say… Is it a deal?

User Survey

Take Our 101 Ways To Make Money 20 Second (7 Question) Survey & Receive A Free Copy of our 21 Step Guide To Making Money Online. (Valued at $97)

How To Nurture Your Affiliates

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As mentioned in my last post, I’m going to share with you tips on how to nurture your affiliates.

Those of you who have read the Insider Advertising Report will know that to be successful in advertising, you have to understand the characteristics of your prospects. Likewise in affiliate management, you have to understand the characteristics of your affiliates.

Here are the characteristics of your affiliates:

1. They are unmotivated.
2. They are uncreative.
3. They are lazy.

I believe these characteristics hold true for all affiliates, until you have their attention and interest in your program.

Once you understand the characteristics of your affiliates, nurturing them becomes a simple task of asking the right questions. The tough part is answering those question.

Questions that I keep asking myself are:

1. Why would someone promote our website?
2. How can we encourage affiliates to take action and start promoting our website?
3. What other creative tools can I develop to make it easier for our affiliates to promote us?
4. Since affiliates are lazy, is there a way to promote our program without having to promote it?

Let’s look at how we answer these questions in one of our websites,

1. Why would someone promote our website?

When our members promote LeadsLeap, other than making money, they are at the same time building 10 levels of leads whom they can advertise to.

In addition, whenever their referrals read ads, they earn advertising credits on autopilot. Many of our members earn thousands of advertising credits every month without reading any ad on their own because they have a team of people earning credits for them.

2. How can we encourage affiliates to take action and start promoting our website?

Our answer to this question is to have a Bonus Credit reward program, where members with just 20 personal referrals will receive 500 advertising credits every month, forever! Needless to say, many members try to get their 20 referrals by hook or by crook.

In fact, the rewards do not just end there. The more people they refer, the more bonus credits they receive every month. That’s why we have affiliates promoting our program on a continual basis.

3. What other creative tools can I develop to make it easier for our affiliates to promote us?

One powerful tool (or rather a system) that has brought lots of traffic to us is our blog referral system.

The way it works is quite simple. Our blog (which is the blog you’re reading now) is a viral blog. Our members can send traffic to any article in the blog with their affiliate ID. When the traffic signs up, it becomes their leads. When the traffic click ads, the members earn ad credits. This system alone has brought us lots of traffic because whenever we make a blog post, many of our members will inform their leads about the article. Sharing good information is always easier than sharing an opportunity.

To further leverage on this system, we create a LeadsLeap Widget that members can place on their websites. With this widget, our members will be able to send traffic to read the useful information on our blog while helping them to build leads and credits on autopilot.

4. Since affiliates are lazy, is there a way to promote our program without having to promote it?

Is it possible to get someone to promote your program without that person promoting it?

Definitely yes. Google uses this trick all the time.

The answer is to provide useful tools that webmasters can use. At the same time, those tools carry your brand.

We have quite a number of such tools and we are developing more. An example is our SlideSense advertising system. Members can use it for their own advertising purpose, but indirectly they are promoting LeadsLeap. Other tools we’ve developed include our Advanced Link Cloaker and List Building Script.

Some Final Notes

You may think LeadsLeap is an advertising system. That’s why we have the luxury of advertising credits and tools that we can leverage on to come out with incentives that address to these questions.

It’s not true. (At least you can’t allow yourself to believe it’s true.)

Regardless of which niche you’re in, you will be able to find a similar solution for your niche. Just believe and think hard. One day, you may wake up with an innovative idea that may just work.

My Best Website Traffic Strategies

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My intention of today’s discussion is to encourage our readers, i.e. YOU, to share with us what are some of your preferred website traffic strategies.

Feel free to discuss your preferred traffic strategies in the comment section below.

Let me kick start the discussion with 3 of my best website traffic strategies.

1) Advertising

Think about this question: If you are totally new to a market, with no network, no JV partners, no customer and no leads, how are you going to establish a presence in the market?

Well, one way is to actively promote your website through social medias such as facebook and forums. But that takes a lot of time and effort. A faster alternative is advertising.

There are 2 types of people when it comes to advertising:

- The first type are those who advertise with the aim to make some sales and hence recover the advertising cost with a good profit.

- The second type are those who advertise with the aim to build a network. Immediate recovery of the advertising cost is secondary because the network they have built will eventually pay back the advertising costs and much more.

It’s hard to say which type of advertisers is better. But personally, I belong to the second type. How about you?

2) Search Engine Traffic

The good thing about search engine traffic is that it is free and pretty sustainable. The challenge is it costs time, money and know-how to build that traffic.

The SEO game is a long-term game (at least 6 - 12 months). Most people fail because they are looking for short-term results. As I’ve discussed in my previous posts, with the launch of Google Caffeine, the emphasis is now on site authority, and one of the major factors that determine site authority is the age of the website.

If you do not have the patience to build links and wait, then what you can do is to leverage on authority sites that allow you to post articles, such as Squidoo and Ezinearticles. These sites have established their authority status and if you post an article to it, with some link building effort, you can easily get it rank well in Google. Then, you can try to channel the traffic back to your own website. The ‘route’ is a little longer, but it’s not a bad move since the traffic is free and tend to be long-term.

3) Word Of Mouth

The best form of traffic is probably word-of-mouth traffic. It’s the best because it is free, and the best part is you don’t have to worry whether Google likes you tomorrow!

Word-of-mouth is the true power of social networking. Instead of you tactfully and subtly promoting your website in facebook, twitter, forums, etc., you now have other people recommending your website through all kinds of channels.

You can speed up the word-of-mouth process with a good referral program. This is something I have been emphasizing, but many marketers are still not having their own referral program, especially affiliate marketers.

Most affiliate marketers limit their traffic sources to advertising, search engine and self-promotion in social medias. Can affiliates who promote other people’s products run their own affiliate programs? The answer is definitely YES. In fact that should be the way.

You can always create a product that caters to the market you are promoting, and recruit your own affiliates to promote that product while on the other hand, you promote other people’s products to the traffic that you receive.

There you have it, . I have been using these 3 strategies since 2006 to build a pretty stable online empire. How about you? Share with us your best traffic strategies. Even if it’s a repeat of the three I’ve discussed, it’s still good to list it down and tell your own experience. I thank you for your contribution in advance.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Internet Marketing Mistakes I Made When I First Started Online.

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I’ve been thinking of what to write in our blog to welcome 2011. Finally I decided to talk about some of the internet marketing mistakes that I’ve made in the past, not last year, but since I started venturing out online.

I hope my experience can help you avoid some pitfalls and hence smoothen your online journey in 2011.

Without further ado, here are the internet marketing mistakes I’ve made.

Mistake #1. Not believing that internet marketing is for me

This has to be the TOP mistake that I’ve made.

Back in early 2000, I was already learning about internet marketing and trying a few things without any success. My mentality was “let’s see if I can make some money online”.

I was never serious about internet marketing because I had so many other options of making money at that time.

After a few years, I failed in ALL my brick-and-mortar businesses and I was $50k in debt with the bank. At that time, online business was my last chance, as the initial investment was minimal. It was a case where I either made it online or I would have to shelve my dream and get a job.

Now it seems to be a blessing that I failed in all my offline businesses.

Mistake #2. Lacking marketing plans

Whenever I have a good idea, I’ll act on it. But there were not one, but two occasions where I spent months preparing and building a new website and when everything was ready, I realized that I had no idea how to market that website!

Of course, those websites are now sitting there collecting virtual dust, while serving as a reminder for me that I must have a foolproof marketing strategy for a new website even before I register the domain name!

Mistake #3. Hoping that there is a holy grail

There was one time when I bought a 100,000 email list from a renowned internet marketing guru, naively thinking that even if just 1% buy from me, I will be rich!

I prepared a good opt-in offer, since I knew I needed to convert it from a cold list to a warm list, and I also prepared a series of autoresponder to convert the opt-ins to buyers. Everything seemed ready, but when I massed mail to the list, I hardly got any click through, not to mention opt-in or sales.

I knew that things can’t be that simple. But sometimes you just want to prove yourself right and give up that hope!

Mistake #4. Being a cheapskate

When I first started online, I was really behaving like a cheapskate. I signed up lots of newsletters and spent time reading all the free articles I could find.

But when I started to make some money and gathered enough courage to invest in ebooks and video courses, that was when my internet marketing skills really took off.

Mistake #5. Using encrypted script

If you want to run a dynamic website such as a membership site, a forum or perhaps your own traffic exchange site, you’ll need to use a server-side script.

A big mistake that I made when I ran my first dynamic site is I bought an encrypted script, which means I can’t modify or even see the script as the developer is trying to protect its copyright.

It is very bad because whenever I experience a bug, I need to feedback to the developer and worse still, if I don’t like any function or want to add any new feature, there is nothing I can do. I even offered to buy the source-code from the developer, but was turned down.

One person’s mistake is another’s lesson. I hope you’ll find these lessons useful.

Though I’ve made some mistakes, I have also done something right during my early days. In my next post, I’ll write about things that I did right when I first started online. Stay tuned!

What I Did Right When I First Started Online

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Following my discussion on the Internet Marketing Mistakes I Made When I First Started Online, today I shall share with you .

I hope my experience can help shorten your journey to online success.

Here we go…

1. Understand The Principles Of Success

I always find reading boring until I discovered a section called Self Help in the bookstore. Since then, I became a self help junkie, reading all kinds of books and attending all kinds of seminars on success, communication, sales, wealth creation, mind power, brain power and even spirituality.

All these readings eventually led me to quitting my job, starting a few brick-and-mortar businesses and failing at every one of them.

If I had given up my dream then, I may now be another skeptic of success philosophy.

But when I turned to online business, everything I’ve learnt began to apply. Be it the law of giving and receiving, the theory of delayed gratification, the concept of focus equals to power or the idea of think and grow rich, all the principles of success that I’ve learnt are now the foundation of my online business.

Personally, I think such foundation is very important because it keeps me focused on what is really important in building a successful business (or even building a successful life), instead of simply chasing after the money.

2. Learn Programming

Many gurus suggest that a marketer should focus on driving the business and should outsource other technical stuff such as website creation to others. For me, I prefer to learn and do it myself.

I’m not trained in HTML, PHP or Javascript, but I make it a point to learn enough so that I can communicate with my programmer at the same level and do minor programming or debugging work when necessary.

The advantages of knowing about programming are as follow:
i. I can save money on simple programming work, since I can do it myself.
ii. I can respond faster to any bug report and system improvement.
iii. The more I understand about programming and its strengths and limitations, the more ideas I can come out with.

3. Build Something

The idea of affiliate marketing sounds great - making money selling other people’s product, with no worry of customer support. Hence, many internet marketers started as an affiliate.

But what I do differently from other affiliates is I will make sure that in the process of promoting as an affiliate, I build something that belong to me.

The idea of building something is very broad. You can build a list, build a reputation, build a traffic funnel, build a network of people or build a virtual real estate.

For example, if I want to promote a forex product, instead of simply posting adwords to send traffic to the product or building mini site specially for that product, I will create a forex content site or even create a forex web service. I’ll promote my own website instead of promoting the affiliated product directly.

If the product that I’m promoting is discontinued, I can always promote other similar products. The most important thing here is I’m spending my time to build something that will give me traffic in long run.

4. Go Passive

Let me ask you a question. If you can spare 1 month of your time, would you spend that month doing something that will earn you $5,000 in one go, or do something that will earn you $200 every single month?

Some people told me that they’ll choose the $5,000 option, and they will repeat the process and earn more $5,000 every month. After one year, they would have earned $60,000!

But for me, I will go for $200 every month. I will repeat the process to earn more of such income. My first month may be merely $200, but if I spend 1 year to build the same kind of income, I would have established $2,400 every month by the end of 1 year, and $24,000 every month after 10 years. After 10 years, I can stop working and still earn $24,000 every month, whereas in the first case, once you stop working, your income stops.

You may think this is an ideal situation and things may change. You are right. There is no real passive income. However, with such income, I can stop working for weeks or even months and my income will still be pretty stable. More importantly, I don’t have to worry if I can pay my bills next month. This gives me peace of mind to continue building even more websites and earn even more.

Different people prefer different ways of doing things. What I’ve presented above is what I THINK I’ve done right. You may have different experiences. Whether you agree or disagree with me, leave your comments below, so that others can decide what is the right thing to do for them.

How To Promote A Niche Web Store

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I was reviewing the comments in our blog and one reader asked for advice on how to advertise and get traffic to his niche web store.

You can take a look at his website here or this screenshot to see how it looks like when this article was drafted.

As I have always been saying, getting traffic is easy. The hardest thing is converting the traffic.

The key to traffic conversion is the sales funneling process, i.e. how to capture the immediate interest of your visitors and get them to take action (usually by means of opt-in or adding you as their preferred site) before leaving your site.

Once the sales funneling process is ready, the rest is just going through the process of getting traffic.

I talk about sales funneling process right at the start of this discussion because it is exactly what is lacking in this website.

Let’s go back to the website. The homepage is a catalog page listing the featured products for sale. Such homepage will only appeal to one type of traffic, i.e. people who are currently in need of a SPECIFIC niche product THAT happens to be listed in that catalog. My question is, what is the chance of you finding such a person?

Assuming you advertise such a website, chances are most of the traffic will just come and go, including those who may have a need for your product in the future.

By now, you may ask, “So, what is a good sales funneling process for such a site?”

There’s more than one way to skin a cat. For example, I may offer a huge MRR bundle that people can download free if they opt-in. Whoever come to my homepage will be presented with the offer, either on the homepage, above the fold, or as a popup. I may also have a series of autoresponder attempting to convert them into sales.

Also, instead of selling the product at a premium price of $29 - $59 for just one product, I may just sell most of the products at unbelievably low price of $0.99 - $3.90, emphasizing that those are limited-time offers. I may also have a “BUY ALL” offer at $49 - $97 for those with higher budget.

I sell at such a low price because I want potential buyers to remember my website. I want them to know that should they need a particular MRR product, my site is a cheap resource that they should check out. In my homepage, I’ll urge visitors to bookmark my site for future reference because it is THE WEBSITE they should check out should they need an MRR product.

Let’s sum up what I’ve suggested. First, I have an opt-in offer to convert the traffic into my list that I can follow-up with. Next I have a unique selling preposition for my website, i.e. a complete low-cost resource for MRR products, and that, hopefully, can capture their attention immediately and hence bookmark my site. I even have many time-limited offers to urge visitors to buy immediately as well as a big ticket item to cater to those with more budget.

My homepage will be designed to convey 2 ideas: 1) there is a huge free-of-charge MRR bundle that visitors can download, and 2) the site is the ultimate resource for MRR products at low cost.

These two ideas will also form the basis of all my advertising campaigns. So my ads will either be about downloading a massive collection of MRR free, or hundreds of MRR at just $0.99!!

Once the system is in place, there is really no lack of places to promote the site. Traffic exchanges, paid to read networks, safelists, ezine advertising, PPC ads, SEO etc. Where your prospects may be found, just find your way to reach it - THAT is what advertising is all about!

Read This Before You Start A New Online Business

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What are the most important things to consider before you venture into a new online business? Is it the technical know-how? Or perhaps it’s the traffic strategies?

In today’s blog, I’ll give you a checklist that you can refer to whenever you want to start a new online business.

1) Is the market easily targetable?

Before you do anything, you need to make sure that the market you are trying to get into is targetable. What I mean is your prospects should belong to a community that you can easily locate. This is important because when your business is launched, you need to know where to look for your customers.

This may seem common sense, but in reality, many netpreneurs believe that their product targets everybody. As a result, they advertise everywhere and have no idea why the traffic doesn’t convert.

2) Is there a problem in the market you’re targeting and does your product address to that problem?

In most cases, a business idea is generated when the founder faces a problem that he fails to find a good solution in the market. If this describes the cause of your business idea, then congratulations, as you’ve found THAT problem.

However, if you have no idea what problem your business is solving, you really have to think of one and sell that idea as a problem. Otherwise, you are going to have a hard time convincing people to buy your product.

3) Is your product unique in the market?

To me, this is the most important point before I take action on any business idea.

If you have studied marketing, you may recall the term USP, which stands for Unique Selling Proposition. A good USP is one that not only provides a solution to the problem in Point 2 but one that is unique.

You don’t have to be Einstein to create a unique product. A product can be unique by simply combining two or more ideas into one, or it can be an idea that exists in some part of the world but not found in your territory or country. Or it can even be a cheaper way of providing the same solution and the low price itself can be the uniqueness.

No one can tell you if one USP is more profitable than another. This is where your vision comes into play.

4) Is there a viral component to your business model?

If you think getting traffic is tough, that’s because there isn’t a viral component to your business model. If all the traffic has to be generated by you personally, it’s just a matter of time before you give up internet marketing.

To truly understand the meaning of viral, look at Facebook. While most people think Facebook is doing the world a favor, by providing a good platform for people to connect, in actual fact, the world is actually doing Facebook a favor, as every Facebook user is a free promoter of Facebook, helping Facebook to expand its user base.

Viral components can include many things, from having an affiliate program to providing viral tools. However, the best form of viral component is a system that can easily convert your users into your affiliates, without them having to intentionally promote your website. This means the more they use your product or service to benefit themselves, the more they promote you!

5) Do you have a traffic retention strategy?

Getting traffic is easy, keeping the traffic is harder, converting the traffic into sales is the hardest. A good traffic retention strategy will help you keep the traffic that comes to your website, so that you not only have more chance to convert the traffic into sales, but also have more people promoting your website, if you’ve done the right thing.

The most common form of traffic retention strategy is getting people to optin by giving away freebies. As I said, this is the most common form but with more and more marketers using such trick, you need to be more innovative than that in order to stand out from the rest.

6) Do you have an automatic sales conversion strategy?

People need to be reminded to buy from you. If you need to do this manually, both you and your prospects will get sick and tired of it. Instead, what you should do is to think of a subtle sales conversion strategy that is always reminding your prospects that there is something better waiting for them.

Imagine a person who needs to get from point A to B everyday. He can either get there on foot or take your taxi. It will be annoying if you were to approach this person everyday. Instead you just have to make sure that he sees you everyday and he knows about your offer. One day, when he sees the value of your service, he will buy.

7) Is the need for your product long-lived?

If you sell something that people will only need to use once, you will have to find a new prospect after every sale. That is tedious.

On the other hand, if your product can service a person for live, like an insurance policy, you are going to have recurring income from every sale you make.

Another way of looking at ‘long-lived’ is are you selling a fad? A fad is something that suddenly bursts into a full buying frenzy and then, just as quickly, fizzle out. If you are selling a fad, you may be making some quick money but such income is not lasting. Soon you will be back to square one and you have to start all over again.

Viral Marketing Ideas And Examples - 7 Powerful Strategies

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Recently I’m thinking of more viral marketing ideas and examples that I can use for my online businesses. As the saying goes, give and thou shall receive. Here I am giving you my best kept viral marketing ideas. If you’ve come across any others, feel free to share them in the comments below.

1. Organize a referral contest

Organizing a referral contest has been an old-schooled viral marketing idea, yet it is still extremely effective. The thing about contest is that it can stir up people’s adrenaline and encourage people to work extra hard to promote for you.

For example, you can create a referral contest with 2 chances of winning. First chance is a lucky draw, where those who refer just 4 people to your website can quality to win say $100. Second chance is top referral, where the best 3 referrals can walk away with $1000 each. This way, you can encourage everyone to refer at least 4 people while at the same time give the power affiliates a chance to show their full potential.

2. Provide free ‘viral’ online services

Whenever I talk about free viral services, I like to mention Google. Besides being a search engine, Google has really created tons of useful applications, such as Google Map, Google Doc, Google Analytics, Google Mail, etc that we can use free. Whenever we use these applications, we are indirectly helping Google to establish its branding and increase its market awareness.

In fact, this is the model that our website,, is adopting. For example, we create free tools like Slidesense and MYOB list builder script that members can use for free. Since all our tools carries a link to our website, as more and more people use our tools, even more people are checking us out. We have been online since 2008 and you can see from our Alexa ranking that we are still very strong. This viral strategy has contributed to our success significantly.

3. Target-based referral program

Another viral strategy that we adopt is target-based referral program, where we set a minimum target for our referrals to hit. In specific, when our members reach 20 referrals, they will receive free advertising credits EVERY MONTH. This is another strategy that has worked wonders.

4. Bait post

The idea of a bait post is to turn your blog post into an online resource that other people will link to. You must have seen in forums and Q&A type of sites such as Ask Yahoo! where people reference an external site for the answer to a particular question. That’s an example of a bait post.

Of course, for a bait post to work, you must first write high quality blog that really solve people’s problem.

But does it mean as long as you write a good blog, people will link to you? Of course NOT! In most cases, a blog post becomes a ‘bait’ when it ranks high in the search engine for a particular question. What happens is when people want to answer other people’s questions, they will Google. When they find a good reference, they will post that reference in their answers.

I know what you are thinking. This sounds like mission impossible. At LeadsLeap, we don’t leave things to chance. We have lots of people linking to our blog posts  because each of our blog post is an affiliate link. This means by referring people to any of our blog post, they are at the same time building their referrals!

5. ‘Sure-win’ referral program

I have a client who pays people 5 cents to every email sent out to promote his business. I call this ’sure-win’ referral program because regardless of whether people make any purchase, as long as you send out the email, you will be paid. He has been doing that since 2007 and have paid over $20k to people. I’m sure this trick has worked well for him.

6. Video marketing

The power of video marketing is well known. If you can produce useful how-to videos for your niche site and publish them on Youtube, those videos can bring you traffic for years.

This viral marketing idea is especially useful for niches that involve skills, such as cooking, scrapbooking and magic tricks because at the end of your video, you say say something like ‘for more magic tricks, please visit’. Since those who watch your video are craving for more tricks, chances are they will visit your website.

7. Leverage on social networking

Last but not least is viral marketing through social networking. One good example is the use of Facebook Like. By encouraging people to ‘like’ you on their Facebook, you are exposed to all their friends who potentially have the same interest. Eventhough the exposure is short-lived, if some of their friends also start to ‘like’ you, this thing can go very viral.

Have you come across any interesting viral marketing ideas and examples? As I said, I’m looking for more ideas. If you have, please share with me and the rest of our readers in the comment section below. I thank you in advance!

Reseller Hosting vs Shared Hosting - Which One Should I Get?

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If you are searching for web hosting options, you may have compared reseller hosting vs shared hosting. Which one should you choose, if money is not an issue?

I decided to write this article because I recently helped a client to set up a script, and notice that he, as a newbie, is using a reseller hosting account. Puzzled, I asked him why. He said he had done some online research and most people said that reseller hosting is better.

Curious, I did some research too and realized that many bloggers are advocating reseller hosting. OMG.

Hence I decided to write this article, to shatter some of the myths that are going around… and to help you save some money.

I’m going to list down the arguments on why reseller hosting is better (based on what other bloggers wrote). Then I’ll share my own view point… and you’ll be the judge.

1) Reseller Hosting Saves You Money When You Have Several Domains

Most bloggers say this, “if you have ONE personal website, shared hosting will save you money. But if you run an online business with several sites, a reseller hosting will save you money, since it allows hosting of multiple domains.”

That’s not true.

Yes, some shared hosting services allow only 1 domain, and the cost is about $5/mth. But there are tons of hosting companies that offer shared hosting with unlimited domains and the cost is less than $10/mth. You can have 100 domains hosted on a shared server. No problem.

2) Reseller Hosting Makes You Money

“A reseller account allows you to sell hosting, helping you to offset the cost of your server.”

If your intention is to get into the highly competitive website hosting industry, then yes, by all means, get a reseller account. But if your intention is to offset your cost, it’s really a bad idea.

As a reseller, you have to provide your own customer support. If you are not server savvy, you will have problem serving your customers. Even if you are server savvy, your time will be better spent growing your key business, not to offset your cost.

3) Shared Hosting Is ‘Shared’

“With shared hosting, you are sharing the server with hundreds or even thousands of other users.”

That’s true, but what those bloggers didn’t say is reseller hosting is also shared!

The only difference is whether the server is shared among a few hundred people or a few people.

Other than reseller hosting and shared hosting, there are 2 more forms of hosting called virtually dedicated hosting and dedicated hosting. To put it very simply, only dedicated hosting is 1 server to 1 user. All other hosting plans are shared.

It doesn’t matter if you are sharing the server with 2 users or 200 users, you are still sharing, which means there is a limit to what you can do, and there is a risk of other users crashing the server.

Nowadays, hosting companies are giving unlimited disk space, unlimited domain and unlimited bandwidth for shared hosting (such as the baby plan in, which cost less than $10 a month). If you can burst their limit, it is their problem!

Even if you are on reseller hosting, all you need is one heavy user from another reseller to crash the server. Unless you are using a dedicated server, the risk of sharing is always there.


Unless you want to run your own hosting service, always go for shared hosting, until you hit some limits that force you to upgrade. Even so, you should upgrade to virtually dedicated or dedicated hosting. Don’t bother about reseller hosting.

Some Interesting Pointers

You may be curious why hosting companies can offer unlimited domain, unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space. If you are interested to know, here’s why:

- although they give you unlimited bandwidth, they limit the connection speed. It’s like giving you 1000 trillion dollars but you can just take out $1 a day (a little exaggerated but you get the idea).

- although they give you unlimited disk space and unlimited domain, they limit the Index Node, which is the number of files. For hostgator, the limit is 250000. Wordpress script itself has about 250 files. If you use some templates and plugins, you can easily hit 500 files. That means by the time you reach 500 domains, you would have hit the Index Node limit. (You can theoretically fail the server by uploading 250000 video files, each 1GB big. But remember, your connection speed is limited. It will be a pain to upload those files.)

The Secrets Behind 1 Million Traffic A Day

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About 2 years ago, I started a link building network called The basic idea of this network is that members set up an article directory in some of their websites, allow other members to post articles to it and they can do likewise.

Fast-forward 2 years now, guess what….

The entire network of article directories (more than 4000 of them) are getting more than 1 million traffic a day from the search engine. This is something I’ve never expected.

How do we make it happen? Well, that’s what I’m going to share with you in today’s post.

You see, getting traffic for the article directories, honestly, is not the intended objective. The intended objective of the system is to help its members to get backlinks through posting articles.

But simply posting article to a ton of websites isn’t going work, because most of the articles are not going to be indexed, or even if they are indexed, they do not have much link value. This is what is happening to many link building networks in the market now.

The solution? Backlinks, again.

That means in order to make those published articles worth more, you have to build links to those articles that eventually link to you. That’s why nowadays, you see tons of “link booster” system flourishing.

Understanding this fact, we devised a system to ping and build backlinks to EVERY article posted in the article directories in our network, before these articles eventually link to our members’ websites.

Imagine a website where every article posted in it has got other websites linking to it. That’s the picture of each of the article directory in our network, in the eyes of the search engine.

What happens when the search engine sees such a website? If the search engine can talk, he will say “wow, this got to be a popular site with many people are raving about it”.

As a result, the articles posted in our article directories rank very well in the search engine. In fact, in total, they receive over a million traffic every day. (We know it because all the articles are served via our server and we record the daily hits.)

That is one part of the equation, the most important part.

The other part of the equation is relevance.

The article directories in our network are a general one, yet the articles posted in them can rank well in almost any niche. Why is that so?

The reason is we make sure that everything at “article level” is niche focused. For example, we make sure that for each article, all the links from that article page to other articles are in the same niche and all the links that link to that article are also from the same niche.

This means what the search engine is seeing is an article about, say yeast infection, with links to other articles about yeast infection and has got other yeast infection articles from other websites linking to it.

Since the objective of the search engine is to provide relevant resources to its users, each article in our article directory appears to be a good resource on any given niche, and hence the good ranking.

That, my friend, is . If you practice these two secrets on your website, there is no reason why you can’t rank well in the search engines. By the way, just to make sure you don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not asking you to create thousands of article directories! The secrets I’m talking about are backlinks and relevance.

If you are looking for an easy way to get thousands of quality backlinks, you should check out ezArticleLink. You can join as a Silver (free) and Gold member. If you are getting its Gold membership, make sure you get it before 15 September because after that, the Gold membership price will be raised. Get your account here.

Online Success WITHOUT Social Media Marketing?


Hi Lisa,
If you have an online presence you should use some form of social media. The vast majority of people coming to your site will be looking for other ways to connect with you and social media is the quickest way to do so. If you have a new blog, I’m willing to bet more people will keep up with your posts via social media than they will with RSS. Most people who use RSS hesitate to add a brand new blogs to their feed, but they’re more likely to follow your tweets until you prove yourself worthy.


How Thesis Helped Boost My AdSense Earnings

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Affiliate Programs Crack Down on Affiliate Disclosure


Thanks Lisa. Your article on affiliates was enlightening not only to those affiliated to Powweb. Not many webmasters understand the implications of affiliate disclosures. Your article will definitely raise many eye brows.

I do not have any affiliates yet, but I have been greatly enlightened.



Has Social Media Killed Email Newsletters?


Hi Lisa!
I don’t really do a whole lot of email marketing. I may send a periodic announcement here or there, sometimes I try to extend the discussion of a recently popular blog post and on rare occasions, I’ve sent product reviews or announcements.

It’s funny that you mention Ana, because I love her approach to email newsletters – I can never resist opening her emails because the subject line is always so catchy. In a recent email, she talked about why you shouldn’t try to sell to your list, and I have to admit, I’ve always felt this way – sending sales letters to my list has always seemed unnatural to me. The occasional, “hey you might want to catch this discount” is acceptable, but flat out sales emails are just – for lack of a better word – annoying.

So, I use my list more for the rare updates – I think it’s more effective that way and the reason why my list has a high open rate.

I also like Pat Flynn’s approach to email marketing – he never sells, but always offers valuable information and strategies. I think that’s the best way to utilize a list.


5 Questions I Hate Answering About Online Business

  I don’t work for AdSense and the info I share is only based on my experience.

Remember, AdSense doesn’t disclose information about how much you earn per click. Sure, you can figure out an average by taking your total earnings and dividing by how many clicks you have, but that will change from day to day.

Advertisers constantly change their bids, which causes the amount we earn per click to fluctuate on a daily basis.  The best way to ensure you are maximizing your earnings with AdSense is to work on building traffic.

I’ve also noticed over the years that I am earning quite a bit more per click. Twenty clicks today seems to be worth way more than it was 5 years ago.

There definitely seems to be a correlation between EPC (earnings per thousand) and how popular/trafficked your site is.   My overall clicks are down for AdSense, but I had a record month in July 2011 simply because of my EPC.

Bottom Line:  No one can tell you how much you’re going to make with AdSense because there are too many unknown variables.

4) Do I need a blog and a static website?

Before you decide if you NEED anything, you should develop a strategy.  What is your blog going to do that your static website does not do (or vice versa)?  What will it offer that’s different from your original site?

Don’t just create something because you are feeling the pressure to have what others have.  Make sure you have a strategy in mind.

5) What affiliate programs should I join?

If you are basing your monetization strategy off someone else’s niche or success, you are not building your own business.  You’re just copying someone else’s business model.  While that may work for some, it usually ends up in boredom and/or failure for most.

You can earn a lot of money from almost any affiliate program if you learn how to build a popular website and convert your visitors into customers.  Period!

Something in Common

If you notice, most of the questions above are based on the one-size-fits-all strategy, which is the wrong approach to business.  Everyone is going to have different experiences online based on their work ethic, motivation, interest, niche and more.

Using stats from successful sites for motivation is fine, but using their exact model as a benchmark for your own site can be very misleading — especially if you haven’t developed your individual strategy.

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My #1 Passive Income Source


Excellent post Lisa and one that resonates with ME very well. The key is passive and residual / recurring / recursive (everyone calls it something different). Reselling is also a great option for a web developer. Each time you procure a client, you also procure a small stream of residual income. It all adds up – example: newsletters (aweber), domains, hosting….

Multiple streams of passive and residual income is the name of the game. That is what my blog stands for!


Are Your Visitors Finding What They Need?


very good point. i tend to check couple times a year and i am always surprised to see some of the terms in there. a lot of times i will read search terms and phrases that give me new ideas of content to create, so i create content that is optimized specifically for those terms and phrases, of course keeping the human reader in mind first and foremost. a great way to build targeted traffic you already know you will be getting

WordPress Child Themes – Why You Need Them

Theme Name: Twentyeleven Child Theme
Description: Child theme for the twentyeleven theme
Author: Lisa Irby
Template: twentyeleven

The Best WordPress Testing Platform for Windows


Lisa, I’m going to give InstallWP a try. It looks super simple. Previously I attempted to install Bitnami and during the process I made a mistake naming a folder and I got totally lost trying to fix it. This should make the whole process much easier and I’d love to see you go through the steps to install Thesis with this test site.
Btw – what’s up with the new music? That took me by surprise

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Does Entrecard Violate the Google AdSense Program Policies

A Brief ReviewChoosing a Domain Name for AdSense SitesChoose the Right WordPress AdSense Themes to Increase CTRFree Trial – Permanent Backlink ServicesHow to Find a Profitable NicheGoogle AdSense Requires You to Place a Privacy Policy in Your SiteHow to Create an AdSense Ad for ContentSoftware to Help You Choose Your Google AdSense ColorMost Important Part of the Google AdSense Program PolicyWhat is Google AdSense?Where is the Best Ad Placement for AdSenseWhy Choose AdSense to Monetize Your WebsiteIncrease AdSense Earnings by Increasing Targeted TrafficWhat is the Best Ad Size in Using AdSense?I Recommend What I Use

How to Find a Profitable Niche

3 months before you see any earnings from your account. And another thing, there is no assurance that you will succeed, some niche sites will make you money but others might fail which will be discussed later why. I believe you can put up the effort and I also believe you have the confidence to do it. Just take it one at a time, Make that first step and put up your own niche website.

After writing down several keywords, follow this link Google Keywords Tool. This site is used by advertisers using AdWords. Now AdWords is the counterpart of AdSense, so whatever is happening with AdWords, definitely it has a direct affect to AdSense. This keyword tool will help you analyze how many times a number of keywords are being searched in the Internet. You will also find the CPC Cost per Click of each ad for the keywords used. This will help us to know if the keywords we would like to work on is profitable or not.

Free Trial – Permanent Backlink Services

now in Google to see how important anchor links are.

Building quality and legitimate links needs lots of work and may cost money at times if you really want to shorten the period to promote your site. Take note that the better the quality of the link the more difficult it is to acquire it. So whenever I see some companies offering link building services by providing free trial, I always take those kinds of opportunities, especially if they don’t require any credit card or Paypal information.

So today I will recommend one backlink service, it’s free to try and will not require to provide any financial information for that matter. The links are permanent so after acquiring them you may opt to continue using their services or you may cancel them immediately by forgetting about it.

Build My Rank (10 Free Backlinks) Review

This company Build My Rank, provides quality backlink services coming from their network of blogs. They have quality blogs with PageRank (PR) of 1-6, this means that their sites are crawled frequently. Aside from the quality blogs with good PR in their network, after they place your links, they will submit it to 75 social bookmarking sites, making sure that your link is indexed fast by search engines.

But using this service requires work, you need to write an article where your links will be placed. A minimum of 150 words will allow you to place one link to your site. With only one link placed, the destination page will acquire more link juice. They also have a service that allows you to outsource writing of articles, I think 2.00 per article, 150 words. And because a quality article has to be submitted in order to acquire quality backlinks it’s perfectly safe, Google hates buying and selling links.

After trying their service, everything seems satisfying, writing a post consisting of 150 words is not difficult or 300 words article for 2 links and so on. Once the article is posted, you can visit the site where your link is placed, the PR of the website is also indicated. So try it today it’s totally free and no financial information to submit, 10 quality backlinks, you have nothing to loss, visit Build My Rank today. After the trial period expires just forget it and you will have no worries of getting billed in the future. BMR has changed its pricing model, you have to cancel your account before the due date arrives or you will be billed correspondingly.

Article Marketing Robot (AMR) – Brief Review

Another source of backlinks is through the use of article marketing. We recommend a software that will create accounts for you, confirm your emails and submit your articles to thousands of article directories. It doesn’t require you to pay a month fee for their service, instead you are only required to pay once and they will give you lifetime upgrades. You are also allowed to install it to two computers simultaneously. This software is called ARTICLE MARKETING ROBOT (AMR).

Try it today, free trial for 5 days (200 – 500 links free) you have nothing to lose!

Choose the Right WordPress AdSense Themes to Increase CTR

A Brief ReviewChoosing a Domain Name for AdSense SitesFree Trial – Permanent Backlink ServicesHow to Find a Profitable NicheDoes Entrecard Violate the Google AdSense Program PoliciesGoogle AdSense Requires You to Place a Privacy Policy in Your SiteHow to Create an AdSense Ad for ContentSoftware to Help You Choose Your Google AdSense ColorMost Important Part of the Google AdSense Program PolicyWhat is Google AdSense?Where is the Best Ad Placement for AdSenseWhy Choose AdSense to Monetize Your WebsiteIncrease AdSense Earnings by Increasing Targeted TrafficWhat is the Best Ad Size in Using AdSense?I Recommend What I Use

Choosing a Domain Name for AdSense Sites

A Brief ReviewChoose the Right WordPress AdSense Themes to Increase CTRFree Trial – Permanent Backlink ServicesHow to Find a Profitable NicheDoes Entrecard Violate the Google AdSense Program PoliciesGoogle AdSense Requires You to Place a Privacy Policy in Your SiteHow to Create an AdSense Ad for ContentSoftware to Help You Choose Your Google AdSense ColorMost Important Part of the Google AdSense Program PolicyWhat is Google AdSense?Where is the Best Ad Placement for AdSenseWhy Choose AdSense to Monetize Your WebsiteIncrease AdSense Earnings by Increasing Targeted TrafficWhat is the Best Ad Size in Using AdSense?I Recommend What I Use

Why I Chose and Recommend Article Marketing Robot – A Brief Review

the software is called Article Marketing Robot or AMR.

Unlike UAW, AMR will require you to pay a one time fee with free lifetime updates. Well at least as long as the people behind it are still alive. The list of article directories provided by this software as I have mentioned earlier are regularly updated. is included in their list and I had a high rate of success submitting articles even if I was using spun articles.

With AMR, you could create different accounts, it has a captcha solver but you have to pay an external party in order to use this feature. Well nothing to worry about cause it’s very cheap. It has a scheduler, and you can choose to submit a number of directories (let’s say 20 or 50) each day without the fear of overlinking. This software can also help you spin your articles easily. It has a good database of synonyms so you could at least make your article unique.

But for best practices, I use another software for spinning

Do You Need to Outsource Articles for Your Niche Sites

) then search it in Google. If no exact match has been found, it only means that this article has not been posted or has not yet been indexed. Take note, no software can detect duplicate content real time.

If the article passes through this test then the next thing you have to do is to read them and do some research along the way. Once you are satisfied, add more content by expanding further on what was written; if you ordered 400
